Meet Wednesday

Wednesday is a 6 year old 15hh Black USFS Mustang from the Devils Garden HMA in California. She was picked up March 8th 2023 from the VT remote pickup at RAMS in New Haven.

Unlike BLM Mustangs, Forest Service Mustangs aren’t Branded. DG mustangs are known for their large, draftier build which makes them popular in the Mustang Community. Because the Devils Garden Mustangs are gathered in the fall, mares are often in foal when they are gathered. Wednesday was one of those mares and foaled a gorgeous Black Filly on April 10th.

Wednesday is very sweet but also cautious, most likely because of her foal. She had her tag removed on Day 3 and was leading by week 2. She was able to be caught, lead, groomed, and picked up all 4 feet before she foaled.